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Download blue flag motorsport

I recall letting one of my best ones go just to get a rival team to take them up for a challenge. It was great that it took a long time to actually grind and develop the facilities you need (saving money is very tricky) but the AI are hardly as intelligent as a plant, some of their driver recruitment decisions down the line are comical. I played a lot of MM and while I loved it, it had a lot of issues that were often just pulling hairs, plus the longevity was almost nonexistent because of some of the hilariously bad logic the AI had. But F1M22 is shaping up to be leagues better, even when there is lots of room for improvement.

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Once you have a full HQ you'll earn a solid 50-100m in profit even without sponsors. Sponsors arent even needed in the end.After a few years you will dominate everyone. Buy the most upgrades each year, and you'll be better each year than before. You can put 1-2 laps too soon, or too late, and its still fine given the AI would pit often 5 laps too late, or not at all, and lose a full minute. Rain is the only thing that messes that up, but the AI is so bad at it it hardly matters.Just focus on mediums in FP, get the 2x15% bonus and do a basic one-stop with double mediums at the halfway point. You dont have to pit, or use two different compounds. You have an infinite supply of drivers with 20/20 in every stat at the age of 18-20.

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Drivers: with a good HQ you could pick up a new supertalent each year, and he/she would be literally the best possible driver within a year.Some issues it has, even with the latest F1 mod: People are looking at MM with rose tinted glasses.

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